Sunday, October 21, 2012

Things That Make Me Happy....

I'm having one of those happy, happy days...the kind of day where my mind is clear, focused, and I'm able to see just how great life is and can be. One of those days where I think, "It's probably not right to be this blissfully happy!"

But I am. Can't help it. Today, I'm able to clearly see all the blessings the Good Lord has bestowed upon me. Just why he has, I don't have a clue. I must have done something really spectacular in another life because I can't see what I've done in this one to deserve all that I have.

We all have bad days. We even have some really horrific, terrible, heartbreaking things that happen. Trust me, I haven't always been this content, this happy, this appreciative of my blessings. The list of crappy stuff that's happened in my life is pretty long. But I don't like to dwell on those things. Instead, I choose to remain focused on the here and now. The past is past and you can't undo it, no matter how hard we wish that we could.

I'm compiling a list of things that make me happy. I'd love to hear what makes you happy! I find that it is different from person to person and that is one of the really cool things about life. Please feel free to post below!

Things That Make Me Happy
(In no particular order, just as the thought comes to me!)

  1. My husband. 99.9999% of the time, I find him utterly charming, adorable, sexy, smart, funny, sexy, sweet....We won't discuss the .000001 when I don't find him thus. 
  2. My kids. Even when they're driving me nuts, I still find I love them, no matter what. They can make me laugh and usually at the most inappropriate of times! 
  3. My grandkids! They're God's payment for not killing my kids when they were teenagers! My grandkids are smart, adorable, funny, precious and practically perfect in every way!
  4. My family, both the one I was born into and the one I married into. No two families could be more dissimilar yet have many things in common such as love of family, faith, and country. 
  5. coffee. The smell of it as it brews first thing in the morning and the way the light shines in through the kitchen window and casts umpteen different shades of brown across the counter and walls! 
  6. Jack Daniels. 
  7. Chocolate cake
  8. Weight Watcher's Breakfast Quesadillas
  9. My living room with its red wood floors, gold drapes, funky lamps & furniture. Its just so pretty!
  10. Rainy days in October...they leave me feeling peaceful.
  11. Mashed potatoes. 
  12. writing
  13. friends
  14. comfy blue jeans and warm sweaters
  15. PURSES! -- hello my name is Suzan and I have an addiction for purses. 
  16. My red coffee cup
  17. My mom's wicked sense of humor
  18. My aunts and uncles
  19. My cousins' musical talents...which I'm quite envious of! But the sounds of their guitars, voices, harmonicas, drums & mandolins, especially when they play near the camp fire, its one of the most happy & precious of times.
  20. The colors of autumn: deep oranges, golds, reds, greens, favorites
  21. John Wayne movies on a Sunday afternoon
  22. Reading a really good book
  23. My 'online' author their generosity, faith, and humor!

So what things make YOU happy?

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